Saturday, July 4, 2009

Issue four

I am still convinced that to this day, as a society, we do not focus enough energy in understanding sexuality & sex. And I'm not talking here about having sexual content out into the open, like using it to sell ripped up jeans or overpriced perfume. I'm talking about putting our fears and questions about sexuality out there where people can hear them. To me, sexuality is the root of so many personal issues, issues that influence our social behavior and relationships. Right from the start, as pre-teens, when our bodies are fucking with our brains, no one really gives us any direction, any pointers as to why we relate to our bodies in a whole different language. A language that relates the physical to the mental, which basically translates into sexuality.
I still don't understand why that part of our brain should still be kept under silence, eaten by shame. After all these years, why are we shutting ourselve from such potential clarity? It puzzles my mind.

So my question for Issue four goes like this:

When sex comes up in a conversation, or when you are asked to talk about sexual issues with your doctor let's say, are you inclined to be open and honest, or do you feel a pinch of shyness? Can you explain why you feel that way?
Does understanding your personal sexual patterns preoccupy your thoughts? Why? And finally, have you ever thought that your personal sexual patterns had an impact on the way you lived your life in general?

Send your entry at
Don't forget to add a title and a signature (may it be real or fabricated)
Deadline is August 31st

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